Highlighted text are"deliverables" to be uploaded to MI Submission Portal during the evaluation process.
Patient Experience Measures
What is your organization’s current performance on patient experience?
What is your performance on physician/APP communication?
How do you improve patient experience?
Provide patient experience performance overall and performance data related to physician communication
Medical Errors and Patient Harm
How does your organization respond to medical errors, patient harm, and near misses that involve physicians/APPS?
What training does your organization provide?
What support is provided to individuals involved in an event?
Provide flow charts, meeting minutes or agendas
Effectiveness Metrics
How is physician/APP leadership integrated into your clinical effectiveness initiatives?
Provide meeting minutes, agendas, presentations and other documentation
Quality of Care Metrics
How do physician/APP leaders participate in quality, risk, and safety performance?
Provide meeting minutes, agendas, presentations, flow charts
Physician Involvement in PI
Describe how physicians/APPs are incorporated into the organization's QA and process improvement program.
Provide minutes, agendas, presentations
Crisis Incident Management
Describe how your organization operates during a crisis or incident.
How are physicians/APPs involved in the process?
Response to Physician Concerns·
How does your organization gather concerns from the broad physician/APP group, address them, and communicate plans?
How do you respond to physician suggestions and concerns?
Process flow chart, contact information, information shared with physicians.
Committee structures, charters, minutes, logs, other documentation as appropriate
Assessment of Physician Engagement·
How does the organization assess physician/APP engagement and satisfaction?
Instrument used
Participants included and excluded Process
Action planning and communication
How do you use the data to improve the environment for physicians?
Survey results, issue tracking logs, process flow charts.
Results of most recent three physician engagement/satisfaction surveys, response and accomplishments
Physicians are involved in strategic planning
How do you involve physicians/APPs in the strategic planning process?
Committee minutes, attendance logs, etc.
Physician Retention/Turnover Rate
How do you measure physician/APP retention?
How do physicians/APPs evaluate the clinical support at your organization?
How do physicians/APPs evaluate other disciplines in your organization?
Provide instrument, meeting agendas, communication, etc.
Physicians/APPs have input into clinical support
How do physicians/APPs provide input into clinical support staffing and priorities?
Provide evidence of input and team approach.
Collegiality and teamwork among physicians/APPs and clinical support are promoted by the organization.
How does your organization promote teamwork?
Provide evidence of actions which support teamwork
Financial Solvency
How does your facility engage physicians/APPs in business/financial matters that relate to them?
Presentations, flow charts, meeting minutes
Work Re-Design
What measures have been taken to reduce “busy work”, relieve bureaucratic inefficiency and regulatory burdens, in order to free physicians for clinical activities and increase productivity?
Issue tracking logs, presentations to medical staff, other documentation
Electronic Medical Record (EMR)·
How do you assess satisfaction with your EMR?
How do you respond to issues with EMR that physicians/APPs raise?
How are physicians/APPs involved in build and maintenance of your EMR?
What have you done to reduce EMR burden on physicians/APPs?
Process flow charts, documentation of interventions
Physician Compensation
How do you determine and manage physician/APP compensation?
Process flows, policies, other documentation